MAC Protocol for WSAN and Model-Based design flow.
MAC Protocol for Industrial Wireless Sensor Actuator Network
- Design of a Medium Access Control protocol for process control applications.
- K. Somappa, A. A., Ovsthus, K., & Kristensen, L., "Towards a Dual-Mode Adaptive MAC Protocol (DMA-MAC) for Feedback-based Networked Control Systems", in Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Communications and Sensor Networks (ComSense), Procedia Computer Science, 34, pp. 505-510, 2014.(pdf) (Publication)
- The protocol was completed to full version and is accepted for SIMUTOOLS and will be published in August 2015. In the full version we have slightly modified the protocol and have conducted simulation study on the protocol using MiXiM in OMNeT++. Following is the resulting article
- K. Somappa, A. A., Kristensen, L., & Ovsthus, K., "Simulation-based Evaluation of DMAMAC - A Dual-Mode Adaptive MAC Protocol for Process Control", in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Simulation Tools and Tenchniques, 2015.(pdf)(Publication)
- K. Somappa, A. A., Ovsthus, K., & Kristensen, L., "Implementation and Deployment Evaluation of the DMAMAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Actuator Networks ", The 7th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies, 83, pp. 329-336, 2016.(pdf)(Publication)
- The implementation on MiXiM platformm can be found in the OMNeT page. For comparison GinMAC GinMAC protocol is used.
- Also, we are currently verifying the design of the protocol with the use of Uppaal Model Checker, with two variants of the model (untimed and timed). Intermediate version can be found in Verification page.
Model-Based Design and Implementation
- Contributing in Petricode project, conversion from CPN (Coloured Petri Net) models to nesC implementation. nesC is the programming language used in TinyOS an operating system designed for Sensor Network hardware.
- K. Somappa, A. A., Simonsen., K. I .F, "Towards a Model-Based Development Approach for Wireless Sensor-Actuator Network Protocols", Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGBED International Workshop on Design, Modeling, and Evaluation of Cyber-Physical Systems ( CyPhy'14), pp. 35-39, 2014.(pdf) (Publication)
- This previous paper is extended to a full version and is accepted for publication in the PNSE 2016 workshop.
- K. Somappa, A. A., Simonsen., K. I .F, " Model-based Development for MAC Protocols in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks", in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering, 2016 (Accepted).(pdf)
(Last Updated May-13-2016)